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Penginapan Lebar Daun - Palembang

Penginapan Lebar Daun is commited to provide you with an informative tourism information.

Use your mouse to navigate around the map, and just click any map markers below to get detailed tourism information.

The Penginapan Lebar Daun Palembang tourism information map below is compiled from our knowledge, our visitors knowledge and also gathered from the internet and provided as is and without any warranty for update or accuracy, please use it at your own risk and if you find any inacurracy in one or more markers please let us know by email to

You can also help us adding new or riching our content about Palembang tourism destinations by email us with details information about your place (eq. Name of place, address, place description with Latitude and Longitude of Google Map, and also any helpfull article link or any image/foto you have) Wink

For any other inquiry and reservation please send your mail to

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